Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

breast feeding breast implants

Can You Breast Feed With Implants?

Every year, more than 300,000 women across America get breast implants. Inevitably, some of these women will become pregnant and will start to wonder if they will be able to breastfeed their baby with their implants.

Science and several research studies have found that most women can indeed breastfeed with breast implants – and it’s perfectly safe for the baby. The silicone and various components of the implant will not “leak” into the breast milk of women, nor will their breasts sag after breastfeeding their child.

There are some things you should know regarding breast feeding and breast implants, but in most cases you and your baby will not notice the difference between breast feeding with natural breasts compared to breast feeding with breast implants.

Understanding Breast Implants

Breast implants are either silicone or saline-filled pouches that are surgically inserted into the breast area to help improve the size and shape of the breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery in the world and generally speaking, getting breast implants is very safe. There are always going to be the risks of complications during surgery, but with advances in techniques and technology, those risks are extremely low.

One concern that women have with breast implants is whether it will cause problems when breast feeding their babies, due to the different types of materials used in the implants, as well as the procedure itself.

Is Breastfeeding with Implants Possible?

Being able to properly breastfeed with implants boils down to what decisions were made during the implant surgery.

Surgical Incision Placement

The incision for the breast implant can be done a number of different ways depending on your body and your surgeon, but it’s location can impact breast feeding.

If the incision was made under the fold of the breast, or through the armpit, breastfeeding should still be possible without issue. However, if a “smile” incision was made around the areola, it can increase the risk of impacting milk production as well as flow.

An incision around the areola can potentially damage the nerves and milk ducts. If the incision was made in the inframammary fold under the breast tissue to place the implants, there is less chance of damaging the tissue of the breast.

Breast Implant Placement and Breast Feeding

Another thing you’ll want to be aware of when it comes to breast feeding with implants is the area where the implants are placed.

Breast implants can be placed in between the breast tissue and muscle, or under the chest muscle. If the implants are located under the chest muscle, it allows for less of a chance of impacting breast feeding. If they were placed under the glandular tissue (on top of the chest muscle), there is a greater chance that it could affect milk production and breast feeding.

Nipple Sensitivity and Breast Feeding

If the patient has feeling in their nipples after the surgery, that is a good indicator that the nerves were not damaged and are working as intended. If the surgery was recent (within 12-24 months), and you notice low, or no, sensitivity in the nipples, there’s no reason to worry yet. There is a chance that nipple sensation hasn’t fully returned after the procedure itself. In this case it would still be possible to breast feed even though there isn’t full nipple sensation present.

If your nipples are not sensitive, or you can’t feel them when you touch them, after your surgery, then it may be hard to tell when the baby is latched on and ready to feed. Because of this it can affect your ability to properly provide nutrients to your child, only because you don’t know if the baby is in the proper position.

It doesn’t always mean that your milk production was affected, it just means that it’s harder to tell when the baby is getting its required food supply.

In addition to the factors listed above, there are a few other things to keep in mind when breastfeeding with breast implants:

  • Breastfeeding may cause your breasts to sag or change shape over time, especially if you have large implants.
  • Breast milk can potentially leak into the implant pocket, which may increase the risk of infection or implant rupture. However, this is very rare and typically only occurs if you have a pre-existing condition, such as a ruptured implant or an infection.
  • Some women with breast implants may experience engorgement, which is when the breasts become overly full and uncomfortable. This can usually be managed with proper breastfeeding techniques and by expressing milk as needed.

Breast Feeding with Implants

Until you attempt to breast feed, you won’t know if your milk supply has been affected by your implant surgery. While hindsight is 20-20, and many women with implants get pregnant, it’s best to let your surgeon know that there might be a chance of you getting pregnant at some point in the future. This way they can take that information into consideration when planning out the surgery and perform it in such a way that gives you the best chances of being able to successfully breast feed.

This can help the doctor make a decision about where to place the incision, where to place the implant, and things to talk to you about in regards to possible complications from the breast implant surgery when it comes to breast feeding.

In most cases women with breast implants have no issues with breast feeding and can supply ample nutrients to their growing child, but there are always risks associated with any type of surgery.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your breast implants and breast feeding, be sure to bring those up with your doctor during your consultation. The more information the doctor has, the more prepared they will be come surgery time.

7 Things to Know Before Getting a Breast Augmentation

7 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Breast Augmentation

1. Manage Your Expectations

Before you book a consultation with a plastic surgeon, it’s important to manage your expectations. Don’t go into the consultation with a set idea of what you want. Your plastic surgeon will take measurements of your body and recommend an appropriate implant size and incision location based on your unique needs.

Tissue-based planning involves measuring parts of your body, including your breast width, skin stretch, etc. Based on your measurements, Dr. Adams will be able to give you a range of recommended implants for your breast. He will also recommend the ideal incision location, which is in the inframammary fold.

The reason that the other incisions, like the areola or the armpit, are inferior to the inframammary incision is because there is a higher risk of infection or capsular contracture with other incision locations. Dr. Adams’ will also show you his high-quality scar therapy program to give your scars their best appearance.

Not everyone is built the same, so basing your expectations off of what you’ve seen work with someone else, may not be the best option for you. This is why it’s always important to talk with your doctor and get their expert opinions.

2. Be Prepared for Future Breast Revisions

While breast implants today are designed to last longer than previous generations, they are not meant to last a lifetime. There is still a chance that you may need to replace or revise your implants in the future.

The FDA recommends getting an MRI every other year to check the status of your implants. If you start to feel uncomfortable, or notice something that’s just not quite right, you should setup an appointment with your doctor to get things checked out.

Breast implants are designed to put up with normal everyday activities, but sometimes over exerting yourself, exercising too much (or the wrong way), or participating in extraneous physical activities can sometimes cause breast implants to leak or become dislodged from their normal state.

3. Knowing What to Expect from a Breast Augmentation

A common question that many women interested in breast augmentation want answered is: what will I look like after my procedure? Many offices will have women place implants in their bras or put rice in a bag and then place it in their bras to try to show them what their breasts are going to look like after their augmentation.

Instead of using rice bags or trying on different sizes of implants in a bra, opt for the Vectra 3D imaging system. It’s a more accurate way to predict what you will look like after the procedure. With 98% accuracy, you can see a 3D image of your body with different implant sizes and shapes.

After having a scan made of your chest, Dr. Adams can decide which implants will be the best fit for your body based on tissue-based planning. And since the Vectra 3D imaging system uses 3D scans of your actual body, you’ll be able to see 3D renderings of what you would actually look like with your breast implants.

4. Take a Break from Exercising

Recovery from Dr. Adams’ breast augmentation is very rapid and allows you to go back to work, pick up children under 3 years old, and even go shopping the day of your procedure. But you do need to be prepared for some restrictions, such as exercise limitations.

It’s important to take some time off from your exercise regimen for the recommended period of time after your procedure. For the first two weeks after surgery, avoid exercise that raises your heart rate above 100 beats per minute. After two weeks, you may begin cardio and after six weeks, you may begin chest-focused weightlifting.

You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon where he will make sure things are healing as they should and they can give you a better estimate of how long you need to limit your exercise based on your healing.

5. Your Breasts Will Sit High in Your Chest Immediately After Surgery

When implants are first placed in surgery, they are put inside the chest. This causes the tissues to move to the upper part of the breast. Because of this, women may feel like their breast implants are very high up on their chest for the first couple of weeks after the procedure. It is completely normal to feel this way, as it takes about 6-8 weeks for the bottom part of the breast to fill out and the nipple to naturally tilt up.

6. Expect Changes in Nipple Sensitivity After Breast Surgery

It is very common to not feel any sensation in your nipples after your procedure. It is also completely normal for your nipples to be more sensitive after your procedure. When your breasts are augmented, the nerves that lead to the nipple are stretched around the implant, which in turn can cause hypo- or hypersensitive nipples.

This change in sensitivity of your nipples can be temporary but can also be long-lasting. If you have concerns about the sensitivity of your nipples before or after your surgery, be sure to discuss them with your doctor.

7. Avoid Underwire Bras and Push-up Padding

After surgery, it’s important to avoid bras with underwire or push-up padding for the first 6 weeks. These types of bras can cause improper healing and may lead to other complications.

Breast augmentation surgery can be a life-changing procedure, but it’s important to understand the risks and limitations before going under the knife. Knowing these 7 things about breast augmentation will help you to ensure a successful and safe procedure. Remember to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon and discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

If you ever have any questions in regard to a breast augmentation with Dr. Adams, please call our office at 214-965-9885 or contact us online.

Beware of Vampire Breast Lifts! They Are Too Good To Be True

Vampire Breast Lift – What is It? And Are They Too Good to Be True?

A non-invasive breast lift that takes just 15 minutes with little-to-no recovery time sounds like it could the future of breast enhancement – but is it too good to be true? Dr. Adams, an international authority on breast augmentation, notes that there is no science or data behind vampire breast lifts. So should the widespread vampire trend stay in pop culture and out of cosmetic procedures? Let’s take a look.

Watch Dr. Adams pick a part vampire breast lifts in the No Spin News video below.

What is a Vampire Breast Lift

Vampire breast lifts get their name from the iconic blood-sucking characters from folk tales to hit T.V. shows because, like their namesakes, the treatments involve sucking out a patient’s blood.

During a vampire breast lift, a doctor will draw your blood and extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP) through a process known as centrifugation or spinning. This process allows the doctor to separate the blood plasma from the other blood cells.

A vampire breast lift only requires the use of the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, and not the rest of the blood cells.

These platelets contain a high concentration of proteins, known as growth factors, which can theoretically help heal injuries quicker and rejuvenate the breast tissue to appear plumper and fuller.

Once the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is separated from the blood, it is combined with dermal fillers and re-injected into the breasts with the intention of stimulating collagen production and blood flow. Allegedly, this leads to fuller, firmer breasts in just a few weeks.

Does a Vampire Breast Lift Work?

Vampire breast lifts claim to improve the overall appearance of the breasts by smoothing wrinkles, fixing inverted nipples, reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scar tissue, and lifting sagging skin. The treatment does not increase cup size.

Like other injectable cosmetic treatments, these types of procedures are temporary, and benefits are primarily superficial (smoothing wrinkles, for example). Vampire breast lifts are non-invasive injections; there is no part of the treatment that involves physically lifting or manipulating the breast tissue, although they may be able to give the appearance of more fullness or smoother skin and cleavage. They cannot, however, lift the breast.

Many plastic surgeons are skeptical at some of the claims made regarding vampire breast lifts. There is little to no scientific data to back up any of these claims made about helping to lift the breasts or make them appear fuller. At least nothing that directly correlates to the injection of PRP.

If you inject any sort of filler or liquid (like saline) into a woman’s breasts, you are going to notice them appearing fuller or slightly larger, however this is just because you are injecting more of a substance into the area, so of course when you add something under the skin it’s going to seem like an enhancement.

PRP treatments are typically used in orthopedic settings to help the healing process in ligaments, damaged joints, tendons, and muscles. PRP treatments in orthopedics has been studied and has been shown to help the healing process for these damaged areas, but with regards to breast lifts, there is no data suggesting that PRP treatments on their own can essentially mimic the effects of a surgical breast lift.

How Long Do the Results Last?

As we said, we don’t believe that there is enough science behind the vampire breast lift procedure to encourage our patients to seek it out, but some doctors claim that the effects can last for months, however we are skeptical of that.

Since it’s just an organic injectable you may notice some fullness and smoother skin in the first few days, but as your body begins to reabsorb those platelets, any effects you experienced will being to wane and you’re body will go back to normal.

The idea behind PRP therapy for breast lifts is that the platelets help to stimulate collagen production and blood flow to the area, which is supposed to help make the breasts appear fuller, however just using injectables is not going to give you anywhere near the effects that a surgical breast lift would give you.

Is a Vampire Breast Lift Safe? Are There Side Effects?

If you choose to try a vampire breast lift, it is very safe. This is a non-surgical procedure that draws your own blood, extracts the platelets from the blood, and reinjects it back into your body. There are no foreign materials or outside elements at play when undergoing PRP treatment.

As long as you’re not allergic to the material used in the syringes, then you should have no major allergic reactions or debilitating side effects.

The only side effects that you may experience are related to injections in general. You may notice some bruising or soreness near the injection sites as the need has to puncture the skin in order to inject the platelets. But since the organic material being injected into your body was produced by your own body, there should be no other side effects.

How Much Does a Vampire Breast Lift Cost?

While we do not perform vampire breast lift procedures in our office here at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery, you can expect to pay between $1500 and $2000 depending on the office you visit and the location.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

A fifteen-minute breast lift with no recovery time might seem like the best breast augmentation procedure on the market, but be sure to read the fine print. Data is scarce on this relatively new-to-market treatment, and reviews or before-and-after testimonials are rare.

Dr. Adams notes that vampire lifts are – at best – soft tissue fillers. Fillers can’t possibly lift breasts or make them larger. Therefore, they don’t work as a breast lift.

Critics of PRP therapy have argued that adding rich plasma does not equate to more healing power. The human body requires a precise balance of cells and nutrients for optimal function; adding too much platelet-rich plasma could disrupt that balance in useless or even harmful ways. Some skeptical of vampire breast lifts have also raised concerns about introducing additional growth factors into an area of the body that is already prone to developing cancer.

If you really want to get your perky breasts back, traditional breast lifts are the best option. Take a look at our before and after breast lift photos to see just how effective breast lifts are when performed by a renown plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. Interested in learning more about breast lifts? Contact us today! Dr. Adams can put you on a proven path to perky and more youthful breasts.

breast implant larger

After Breast Augmentation Can I Go Bigger in the Future?

We have had many patients come back to us after having breast augmentation surgery asking if it’s possible to go larger.

The short answer is yes, it is possible to increase the size of your breast implant after you’ve had the surgery, but there are a lot of things to consider before doing so.

When we have a past patient that comes in asking about larger breasts after they’ve already undergone breast augmentation the first thing we do is show them their before photos. Once the patients see their original before photos when compared to how they currently look, it becomes more obvious how much larger their implants currently look.

After a longer period of time you get used to how the new breasts look and oftentimes forget about what you used to look like before the procedure. In some patients this leads to them almost think of their breasts as their own breasts without an implant in they come in wanting to be bigger.  There are a lot of considerations that need to be discussed because the most important thing in what we stress of patients before their first surgery is that they should pick implant that fits her breasts and this will give him the best outcome the best experience and a result that truly gives some beautiful breast shape but doesn’t make them look too big or what a lot of patients call making them look “fat”. In most cases though, once we’ve shown the patient their original before photos they are more likely to see just how much larger and shapelier their breasts actually are and that’s where the conversation ends.

Of course, that’s not always the case though. There are still those patients that have their mind set on going larger no matter what we show them, and that’s totally fine.

We’re here to help you be the best version of yourself you can be, and if that means you’re still unhappy after your initial surgery, we can certainly help with that.

The reality is that sometimes especially people that are really petite they can only fit a certain size implant into the breast so if it’s one or two years later they do have the option to increase the size of their breasts in a reasonable way and sometimes this is desirable to the patient and very doable from the surgical standpoint.

Should You Increase Your Breast Implant Size After Initial Surgery?

As we stated above, the decision is truly yours and yours alone, but we as the surgeons with experience in this field will offer up our professional opinion on whether or not it’s a good idea.

There are some downsides to having your breast size increased after already having implants, the biggest one being that you’ll have to undergo another surgical procedure in an area where you’ve already had surgery.

Repeat Surgery

If you’ve already experienced breast augmentation then you’ll know what to expect, but having a second surgery in the same place can be a little more uncomfortable. The surgeon will have to cut through scar tissue and areas of the muscle that have already re-healed, which can lead to a different recovery.

The anticipation of a second surgery may or may not cause an increase in stress since you already know what to expect. If you had a bad recovery experience, or post-op experience with your first surgery, then you may be more easily worked up going into the second one. Stress can also cause the post-op experience to be more difficult than it was previously.

Finally, the fact that you’re increasing the size of your breasts is going to feel different on your body than the first procedure, so just because you have experienced it before doesn’t mean that it will be similar.

Changing Your Mind After Plastic Surgery

The good news is that with breast augmentation, whether you change your mind and want to go bigger in the future, or you want to have your implants removed, the procedure itself is pretty straight forward.

Since it’s a foreign object being placed in your body, and not necessarily areas of your body being removed, then you can always opt to have the implants replaced or removed at your discretion.

Other cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, otoplasty, and more, cannot be reversed as easily. If one of these procedures is performed incorrectly, or you’re not satisfied with the results, there are ways to try to correct them in order to get you closer to the results you were expecting, but you’re not really going to have these sorts of procedures reversed.

During our consultations we always make it a point to properly manage expectations from the procedures we perform. When our patients come in with unrealistic ideas on how their body is going to look after a procedure, it’s up to use to make sure to explain to them why those results are not possible.

Using 3D modeling and examples of past surgeries, we can better show the results on your actual body so you’ll have a better understanding of how you’ll look after the surgery.

If you have any questions about breast augmentation surgery or would like to setup a consultation, please contact us today!

breast augmentation recovery

5 Common Questions Regarding Breast Augmentation Recovery

If you’re thinking about breast augmentation surgery, there’s a good chance you’ve thought about what the recovery process is like.

Since it is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia, incisions, and sutures, there is going to be some pain and discomfort during the days and weeks following, but don’t let that scare you. In most cases the recovery process isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be in your head.

Dr. Adams performs his breast augmentation procedures in a way that minimizes recovery time and lets you get back to your everyday routine in the shortest amount of time possible. However, there are still some things you should know about the recovery and how to prepare yourself for it.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation Recovery

How Should I Prepare for Recovery, What Should I Buy?

A common concern from people leading up to breast augmentation surgery is what they should have accessible in order make the recovery process as smooth as possible.

After the procedure you’re going to want to relax and take it easy for a while, so the most important thing to have is comfortable clothing. Your body isn’t going to feel like going out and looking cute so take advantage of the down time, put on some comfy sweats and relax in bed or on the couch.

In regard to what type of bra to wear after the surgery, your doctor may provide a tight-fitting sports bra-like undergarment for you to wear as you recover. It’s important to wear it and not to switch it out for a traditional bra that you’re used to.

You want to keep your breasts as stationary as possible while everything heals and by wearing a tight-fitting sports bra, you’re able to keep everything snug and as immobile as possible. You should expect to be wearing this bra until about 2-4 weeks post-op and your doctor has given you approval to remove it.

What is the Average Recovery Time for Breast Augmentation?

Every patient is different, but in general the recovery process for breast augmentation surgery can last anywhere from 4-6 weeks. This is from the day after the surgery until fully healed, however Dr. Adams offers his Fast Track 24-Hour Breast Augmentation Recovery which will allow you to be able to return to normal activities within 24 hours.

The pain and discomfort are going to be at their worst for the first week, but by week two or three you should be starting to feel much better. If you’ve had your procedure done by Dr. Adams, this recovery time can be shortened a bit due to the technique he uses to help speed up the recovery process.

The most important thing is to make sure to go to your follow-up appointments with your doctor and let them know if there is any pain or discomfort that you feel might be out of the ordinary. Your doctor has performed many of these procedures and knows what the typical recovery process looks like, so even if you’re slightly concerned about the way you’re feeling, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor.

While Dr. Adams’ fast track 24-hour breast augmentation recovery will allow you to get back to your normal daily activities, you’ll still need to let your body heal before working out.

How Long Should I Wait to Start Working Out Again?

Many people want to jump right back into their exercise routine after undergoing breast augmentation surgery but doing so can have a major negative impact on your body.

You’ll want to wait until you get the official OK from your doctor before returning to your normal workout schedule. This can be anywhere from 2-6 weeks after the surgery, but short walks are ok to start taking immediately after surgery.

After about two weeks you can start walking on the treadmill or inclined walking as long as your body feels up to it. At four weeks you can resume your normal exercise routine, but you’ll have to hold off on the heavy lifting until about six weeks.

After the six weeks mark your body should be fully healed and you should be able to resume all the exercises you were doing before the surgery. If you have any concerns about your workout regimen and your surgery, consult with your doctor.

With the 24-hour fast track recovery, you’ll be able to get back to aerobic exercise within 2 weeks, but will still have to wait for a full recovery before doing heavy lifting.

Can I Drink or Smoke After Breast Augmentation?

We recommend that you refrain from drinking or smoking immediately after your surgery as both of these things can cause complications with the healing process. Smoking or drinking before and after your procedure can lead to things like infection, blood clots, increased pain, slower healing and more.

In most cases your doctor will request that you quick smoking and drinking for a few weeks before the surgery and refrain from starting again until 3-6 weeks after the surgery. This will ensure that there are no external factors that could play a part in complications or issues with the surgery itself or the recovery process.

Is Breast Augmentation Recovery Painful?

While pain is subjective, any surgery where cuts are made into skin and muscle is going to come with some level of pain. Some people handle the pain better than others, but typically there will be some pain associated with breast augmentation surgery.

General anesthesia is used during the procedure, so you will not feel any discomfort or pain while the surgery is actually happening. Once you awake from sedation, you’re going to be drowsy and sore for a while. The incision areas on the skin will be tender and sore as they begin to heal and the muscle and tissue underneath the skin will be sore as well.

Pain medication and relaxing are the best things you can do for the pain. Your doctor will instruct you on what pain medications to take and can prescribe stronger medicine if you’re experiencing high levels of discomfort.

In the end, a few weeks of pain is typically worth it once you see the results of the surgery. It’s extremely important to follow your doctor’s recovery regimen to help prevent more pain, infection, or complications.

Even if you’ve undergone plastic or cosmetic surgery in the past, you should still listen to your doctor as not all procedures are the same.

If you have any questions regarding breast augmentation or the recovery process for breast augmentation surgery, please contact us to setup a consultation.