Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

choosing the right breast implant

​Choosing the Right Breast Implant for You

Choosing the right breast implant is one of the more stressful experiences you will face when preparing for your surgery. If you don’t choose the right implant the first time around, you will have to go through the entire process all over again. The vast majority of revision procedures are done because the patient is unhappy with the results of the previous surgery.

While most women are 100% satisfied with their breast implant surgery, there are inevitably those who are not. This is primarily due to choosing the wrong implant size. Making your selection based upon a model you saw on t.v. or the internet is one of the worst things you can do. Your body may be entirely different than the model you saw and what looks good on them might not look good on you.

One of the first things you’ll need to consider when choosing the right implant is your own body type and shape. You need to choose implants that will compliment your body type and shape, otherwise they may look unnatural.

Things to Consider when Thinking About Breast Implants

All women have different breast types, shapes and sizes – there are no two breasts that are the same. The measurements of your breast will determine the implant size that fits your breast the best.  Every woman has a different amount of breast tissue, and this will affect the size. Women who have less breast tissue before surgery will be smaller than a woman who naturally has more breast tissue.

There are many different things you should consider when getting a breast augmentation as well as deciding on what size you should get. Every woman is different and what works for one person may not work for another. This is why it’s important to speak to a qualified surgeon who can help you choose what size is right for you.

Body Type and Shape

Women who are thin or have thin frames may want to think twice about getting large breast implants. Large implants tend to stand out a lot more on thin women. You’ll also find yourself getting a lot of attention from men. Some women are not comfortable with this kind of attention and after a while they may get tired and even annoyed with it. This could lead to unhappiness with the implants and even corrective surgery.

On the other end of the spectrum, women with slightly more robust body frames would be ideal candidates for a larger implant with a wider base. This low-profile implant can help accentuate the natural curves of the body as well as make it appear more natural.

Another important factor to think about is the shape of your body. Women with strong body frames can easily carry the added weight of large implants. Women with thinner body frames might experience back and other associated pains with larger size implants. For example, a “C”cup breasts on a woman with a thin body is generally accepted as normal. However, “C” cup breasts on a larger women would hardly be noticeable.

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

Getting stuck on an implant size, because of a friend’s size or a picture you saw on the Internet, does not mean you will get the same result by asking for that same implant size. Again, everyone is different.

It is also important not to get stuck on bra size. The bra industry does not manufacture their bras by the same size chart as breast implants. Keep in mind when you go to different stores you can be a different cup size. This is why it is very important to select a size that looks good on your body – not what bra size you will be.

How Big is Too Big When it Comes to Breast Implants?

There is a specialized technique of selecting an implant size that fits your breast. The method is called the High 5 System. This method has been published and proven to calculate the perfect-sized implant that fits your breast the best. The measurements will determine how much room is in the breast and how much volume needs to be added to fill out the breast.

Once the size range is chosen, the exact size will be selected based on your personal preferences. Vectra 3D imaging is a visual tool that is used during Dr. Adams’ consultation to allow patients to see their results before surgery. Being able to see the breast augmentation results on your own body will give you the confidence that you made the right choice before surgery.

The goal when selecting the appropriate size is not only to produce a natural and appropriate look; it also can help with lowering risks of complications and give you longevity. Women that go with an implant size that is too large for their breast will experience results that look unnatural. Even worse, receiving an implant that is too large can distort the shape of the breast. Over time, the skin will not be able to support the implant and will cause stretching, rippling and atrophy, which is thinning of breast tissue. This can cause irreversible damage that could lead to additional surgery sooner than you expect.

Utilizing these new technologies to visualize what your breast implants will look like, in addition to consulting with a board-certified surgeon, will ensure that you’re not overdoing it when it comes to the size of your breast implants.

Different Breast Implant Shapes

One of the most important decisions you’ll make is the shape of the implant. There are two basic shape types of implants: teardrop and round. Both implants when sized correctly can give a very natural result. If you are unsure of which shape is best for you, you can always consult with your doctor.

Teardrop Implants

Teardrop implants look like an actual tear. Rounder at the bottom and more protruding at the top. They have a contour that is sloped which makes it look more like a natural breast. Teardrops give off a greater projection than round implants.

Generally speaking, teardrops tend to cost more money due to the extra effort that goes into manufacturing them. If money is a concern, you might want to think twice before selecting the teardrop shape. They also require a textured surface to prevent them from rotating inside the breast and distorting the shape of it. This too adds to the cost of the implant.

Round Implants

The vast majority of women who get implants tend to go with the round implant. Round implants can project just as much as teardrops do. This is due to the 4 types of round implants that exist, which range from low projection to high projection.

Due to the fact that the round implant is round, it will not rotate inside the breast. Therefore it can be chosen with a smooth or textured surface. Generally speaking, it tends to cost less than the teardrop.

Rounds are chosen because of the fullness, cleavage and lift appearance they give to the breast. .

Saline or Silicone Implants?

The material used to fill the implant is also another important choice you’re going to have to make. There are two types of implant fillers: silicone and saline. Each has it’s own distinct advantages and should be chosen based on the desired results. The majority of women worldwide choose silicone as it is more natural looking and feeling.


Saline implants are filled with salt water. They are usually filled at the time of surgery, after the implant has been inserted into the breast. The benefit to saline implants is that they require a smaller incisions and are highly customizable.

Almost any volume of saline can be added, which will moderate the size and profile of the implant. If mild asymmetry exists between your left and right breast, the volume of saline injected into your right and left implant can be moderated, thereby evening things out.

A disadvantage to saline is that they are sometimes more prone to rippling and wrinkling, as well as feeling firmer and less like natural breast tissue. Some women have reported that if you over-fill the saline implant there will be less rippling, but will also feel more firm.


Implants that are made out of silicone tend to feel more natural due to the material they are made out of. However, they are only available in pre-existing sizes and cannot be modified in any way during surgery. You can opt for a softer or harder feel by selecting a silicone implant that has a lower or higher density fill to it.

Finding the Best Breast Implants For You

Having breast augmentation surgery is a big deal and the decisions that happen before the surgery should not be rushed. Taking the time to figure out what results you want out of the surgery will help you make a well-informed decision about the size and shape of your implants.

One of the best pieces of advice we give to patients is to trust your doctor. Of course you obviously know what you want and what you think is best for you, but an experienced surgeon will be able to show you examples of how certain implant sizes and shapes look on people with your similar body type or build, and will be able to help you make a decision.

You should never select your implants based on how another woman looks. You should choose what is right for you, and your body. The last thing you want to do is to have to go through the surgery process all over again because you weren’t happy the first time around.

Contact us today to setup a consultation with Dr. Adams. He can advise you on the different options for breast augmentation surgery and help you get the results you’re looking for.

smaller breasts remove implants

Why Are More Women Wanting Smaller Breasts?

Breast implant removal or downsizing is quickly becoming more popular among women today. This shift reflects changing beauty standards, health considerations, and lifestyle choices.

In recent years, many women have decided to remove or downsize their breast implants. This trend is driven by a desire for a more natural look, health concerns, and lifestyle changes.

20-30 years ago, large breast implants were all the rage. Everyone wanted large (sometimes comically large) breast implants to help them stand out amongst the crowd. As times change and people become more active and physically fit, large breast implants can hinder certain activities and lifestyle choices.

And while, in a small percentage of cases, breast implants do rupture or cause problems over the years, the majority of women opting to remove aging breast implants today are doing so for more personal reasons.

Today, we are able to monitor and evaluate the health of aging breast implants within the body and can use that information to help determine if we feel there are risks associated with leaving an implant in. Thankfully, from what we’ve seen, 80-85% of 20+ year old breast implants are still just as healthy as they were on the day they were implanted. So most patients undergoing procedures to remove or downsize the size of their breast implants are doing so to accommodate their changing lifestyles.

Common Reasons for Wanting Smaller Breasts

While there are many different reasons for wanting to remove your breast implants or reduce the size of your implants, we’ve found these to be the most common ones amongst our patients.

Lifestyle Changes

Many women today lead active lifestyles and prefer smaller, more natural-looking breasts that don’t hinder their physical activities. Whether it’s yoga, running, or simply leading a busy life, smaller breasts can make it easier to stay active and comfortable.

Desire for Natural Appearance

The cultural trend is shifting towards a more natural and proportionate body shape. Unlike the 90s, when larger breasts were more popular, today’s beauty standards favor a balanced and natural look. This change is evident in Dr. Adams’ practice, where patients seek a look that complements their body shape and allows them to remain active.

Health Concerns

Aging implants can lead to various health issues, with capsular contracture being a common concern. This condition involves the hardening of the scar tissue around the implant, causing discomfort and sometimes pain. Women are increasingly opting to remove or downsize their implants to avoid such complications and maintain better overall health.

Impact of Smaller Breasts on Physical Activity

Exercise and Sports

Large breast implants can make physical activities challenging. Many women find that smaller implants or no implants at all make it easier to engage in sports and exercise. This change not only improves their physical performance but also their overall well-being.

Daily Comfort

Daily tasks can become more comfortable with smaller breasts. Activities such as sleeping, bending, and even wearing certain types of clothing are often easier with a more natural breast size.

Demographic Trends – Breast Size

Age Group

Women aged 35-50 are the most likely to seek implant removal or downsizing. This age group often experiences lifestyle changes, such as having children or becoming more health-conscious, prompting the desire for smaller, more manageable breasts.

Removing larger breast implants after having children or losing weight can also be complimented by a breast lift or reshaping. This helps to bring a more supple, natural look to the breasts, while reducing sagging that comes from aging, child birth, or weight loss.

Celebrity Influence

Public figures and celebrities who have opted for smaller implants also influence this trend. Their choices often inspire everyday women to follow suit and choose a more natural look. Many celebrities who have had larger breast implants in the past have publicly come out and said they’ve removed their implants entirely or opted for smaller ones as the years have gone by.

Psychological and Emotional Factors

Body Image Satisfaction

Many women experience improved self-confidence and body image after downsizing or removing their implants. A more natural look can lead to greater body positivity and satisfaction.

Personal Comfort and Confidence

The comfort and confidence gained from having smaller breasts can significantly enhance a woman’s quality of life. Whether it’s feeling more comfortable in their clothing or more confident in social situations, the benefits are substantial.

Breast Augmentation Surgical Considerations

Procedure Details

The process of removing or downsizing breast implants involves careful planning and consultation. Dr. Adams uses immersive consultations with 3D scanning technology to show patients what they can expect before and after the procedure. This approach helps ensure that patients are fully informed and comfortable with their decision.

Recovery and Risks

Dr. Adams’ unique 24-hour fast track recovery process allows patients to be more active just a day after surgery. This method minimizes downtime and helps patients quickly return to their normal activities. While the risks are similar to those of regular augmentation, the recovery time is typically shorter, making the procedure more appealing.

Should You Remove Your Breast Implants?

The trend towards removing or downsizing breast implants reflects a broader shift in beauty standards, health awareness, and lifestyle choices. Women today seek a natural, proportionate look that complements their active lives.

With advances in surgical techniques and recovery processes, like those offered by Dr. Adams, more women are finding it easier to make this change and enjoy the benefits it brings.

If you would like to set up a consultation with Dr. Adams, please feel free to contact us today! We would love to sit down and discuss exactly what you’re looking for when it comes to breast augmentation or reshaping.

what are tear drop breast implants

​What are Teardrop Breast Implants?

Teardrop breast implants are an alternative to round breast implants. Many women opt for teardrop implants due to their more natural look and feel vs. the round implants that have been the staple of plastic surgeons for many years.

They come in several brands such as: Mentor, Allergan and Silimed. Despite the marketing hype, whichever major brand you choose is just as good as the other. Each plastic surgeon has his/her favorite brand that has worked well for them (and their patients) over the years.

Originally designed for women who needed reconstructive breast surgery, tear drop breast implants were recently approved for use in America by the FDA in 2012. Prior to that, they were only available in many parts of Europe and select medical study centers.

As the years went by, more and more women opted for a more natural look and feel vs. the traditional high cleavage round implants that have become synonymous with the word “breast implants”.

Why are They Called Teardrop Breast Implants?

Teardrop breast implants are aptly named because they resemble a human tear. The teardrop breast shape has a wide, round base that gently slopes upward, giving a more natural appearance. They are designed to maintain their shape and are sometimes referred to as “Gummy drop” or “Form-stable”. A different way to describe it would be to think of a piece of memory foam. As you press on it, it naturally depresses. When you release pressure, the memory foam reverts to its original shape.

They are also designed in a wide variety of shapes. While the general profile is that of a teardrop, you can find ones that have a “tall” profile and a “wide” profile. The reason for this is that one size does not fit all. Women’s bodies are unique and as such the surgeon will make a recommendation as to which profile/implant will look right on your body. Ultimately, the final decision lies in your hands.

What Benefits Do Teardrop Breast Implants Have?

Teardrop breast implants were originally intended for women who were looking to have reconstructive breast surgery, but after a few years more and more women started opting for the teardrop look vs. the older “rounded” look. At the end of the day, you’re probably going to get less attention (from both men and women) if you opt for teardrops over rounded implants.

Teardrops are also great for women who have very little breast tissue to begin with due to the fact that shaped implants (teardrops) help define the shape of the breast without creating the unnatural looking round shape that’s a telltale sign of older implants.

They are also good if the nipple on the breast is in a position that is lower than ideal, and the person wants to improve the nipple position without undergoing a breast lift.

Aside from coming in many different sizes and shapes, teardrops also come with one of two kinds of fills: Saline and Silicone. Each has its own benefits:

Types of Fill for Teardrop Breast Implants


  • Requires smaller incision than it would for a silicon implant of the same size.
  • Generally speaking, saline implants tend to cost less than silicon.
  • If a saline implant breaks or ruptures, it will be completely harmless. The size and shape of the breast will instantly deflate, and it will be very noticeable that there is a problem (and you should call the doctor ASAP).
  • Saline implants have a flexible fill volume that the doctor can adjust according to aesthetics as well as the shape/size that you desire.


  • Implants are filled with a very thick gel, that holds shape and gives off the feel of real breast tissue.
  • Silicone implants tend to have less wrinkles and rippling than saline ones.
  • If silicone implants rupture, the breast will retain its natural shape and no gel will be spilled out into the body.
  • These kinds of implants have a standard fill volume for predictable results. What you see is what you get.

I Want Teardrop Breasts! Now What?

First you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Keep in mind that while teardrop breasts are meant for a more natural look, they’re probably not going to be as noticeable as rounded ones are (due to the lack of cleavage on a teardrop vs. round implant). They also tend to cost a bit more than the rounded ones.

When you talk with your surgeon, be sure to ask as many questions as you can. You can never ask too many questions regarding the type of implants you choose.

Teardrop breast implants are also more technically challenging for the surgeon and the end result can be highly contingent upon the skill of the surgeon. They can be hard to place in the right area for a natural look. If you choose an experienced plastic surgeon, you can feel confident that you will be happy and satisfied with how your new breasts look.

Frequently Asked Questions about Teardrop Breasts

Are there any specific situations or body types where teardrop implants are more suitable than round implants?

Teardrop implants are often recommended for women who have less breast tissue or who are looking for a more subtle enhancement. They can also be a good option for women who want to correct asymmetry or restore breast shape after pregnancy or weight loss.

Are there any potential risks or complications associated with teardrop breast?

Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation with teardrop implants carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and changes in nipple sensation. There is also a risk of the implant rotating or shifting position, which may require additional surgery to correct.

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, there should be little to no complications as long as post-op instructions are followed.

How is the surgical procedure for teardrop implants different from that of round implants?

The surgical procedure for teardrop implants is similar to that of round implants, involving incisions, placement of the implant, and closure of the incisions. However, the shape of the implant requires careful positioning to ensure a natural-looking result.

What is the recovery process like for teardrop implants, and are there any special considerations compared to round implants?

The recovery process for teardrop implants will involve some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Patients are usually advised to avoid strenuous activities and to wear a supportive bra to help with healing.

Your doctor will provide post-op instructions to follow as your body heals from the surgery. There should be no difference in the recovery from teardrop breast implants when compared to traditional round implants.

Can teardrop implants provide a more natural-looking result than round implants, especially for women with less breast tissue?

Yes, teardrop implants are often recommended for women with less breast tissue or those looking for a more natural-looking result. The teardrop shape can help create a gentle slope and a more natural contour, which may be preferred by some women over the round, more noticeable look of round implants.

How long do teardrop implants typically last, and are there any maintenance or follow-up procedures required?

Teardrop implants are designed to be long-lasting, but like any breast implant, they may need to be replaced or removed at some point due to complications or changes in the breast tissue. Regular follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon are recommended to monitor the implants and ensure they are functioning properly.

Are there any specific activities or lifestyle factors that could impact the suitability or longevity of teardrop implants compared to round implants?

While teardrop implants are designed to provide a more natural-looking result, they may be more prone to rotation or shifting position compared to round implants. Patients are advised to avoid activities that put pressure on the breasts, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, to reduce the risk of complications.

31 Ways a Breast Implant Can Change Your Life

31 Ways Breast Implants Can Change Your Life Going into 2024

The start of a new year is always a time for self-reflection and setting goals to better yourself. If you’ve spent the last year – or longer – unsatisfied with your appearance and considered making a change by finally investing in breast augmentation surgery, now might be the time.

The first step in that process is to realize that you must make that change in order to be truly happy. A physical change, whether in appearance, clothing, or surgical enhancements, can do wonders for your self-esteem and help boost your confidence to the levels you desire.

We’ve compiled a list of ways that breast augmentation surgery can have a lasting impact on your daily life. Physically and mentally, the changes that you go through in life shape the person that you are. If you are unhappy with the way you feel, or the way you project yourself onto others, it might be time to make a change.

How can Breast Implants Change Your Life?

  1. You’ll project more confidence in everyday life.
  2. You’ll be happier with your appearance. When you look good, you feel good about yourself!
  3. Wear what you’ve always wanted to wear and look amazing!
  4. There will be a better selection when bra shopping. All the styles you coveted will now look fantastic!
  5. You’ll fill out a V-neck top, a bikini top, or a low-cut dress like never before.
  6. Strapless dresses and tops that might not have been an option previously, now can be worn with confidence.
  7. Time to go shopping! A new body deserves a stylish new wardrobe to highlight your best assets.
  8. No more padded bras.
  9. No stuffing your bra or using “chicken cutlets.” That lift will be all you!
  10. No more hurtful jokes.
  11. Breasts that sag or are stretched from pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age will appear young and full again.
  12. You’ll feel more feminine and desirable.
  13. Spice up your love life! More body confidence leads to more bedroom confidence.
  14. More intimacy can reignite or deepen your romantic relationships.
  15. Single? Attract more attention…
  16. …and feel more outgoing and confident in social situations.
  17. Be bold! Go for the promotion, ask for the raise, take the solo vacation. Body confidence can translate to self-confidence in all areas of life!
  18. Foster deeper social connections. When you’re no longer self-conscious about your body, you can focus on people and conversations!
  19. Say goodbye to bra and swimsuit shopping anxiety!
  20. Stop smoking for good. You must quit prior to having the surgery, so you might as well make it a permanent, positive change!
  21. Get into a consistent workout routine. You want the rest of your body to look as good as your implants.
  22. Eat healthy. Stave off stretch marks and awkward changes by maintaining a healthy weight.
  23. Enjoy getting UN-dressed.
  24. Foster deeper connection with your body for a more positive self-image.
  25. More general body awareness can lead to early detection of potential health issues.
  26. Boost self-esteem.
  27. Fight gravity as you age.
  28. Breast size won’t decrease if you lose weight.
  29. Become more proportionate head to toe.
  30. Love the way you look in the mirror.
  31. It’s a positive and permanent action to make YOU happier with your body.

Making the decision to get breast implants can change your life by making you look and feel better, and those positive effects can influence other aspects of your life. When considering implants, it’s important to maintain realistic expectations of what your implants will look like and what kind of impact they’ll have on your life.

Breast Implants Can Affect Your Health

Implants won’t automatically boost your self-esteem, improve your love life, kickstart your career, or fix depression or social anxiety. More serious underlying issues should be addressed with a professional before proceeding with breast augmentation. If you’re unhappy in many areas of your life, implants aren’t a magic cure-all, but if you’re simply unsatisfied with the size or shape of your natural breasts, implants may help create the change you seek. Talk to your plastic surgeon about your reasons for getting implants and your expectations post-surgery to make the best decision for you.

Breast implants can also have a huge effect on your mental health as well. While your physical enhancements will be visible from the outside, the confidence you gain through feeling good about yourself can manifest itself in other ways as well. Don’t just look at implants as a way to enhance your physical features, but to also enhance your inner beauty as well.

If you’re thinking about breast augmentation surgery, contact Dr. Adams today to set up a consultation, or reach out to us with any questions you may have.

internal bra surgery

Internal Bra Surgery – What Are They and Do They Work?

In the world of plastic surgery, advancements are constantly being made to ensure safe and effective procedures. One such innovation that has gained attention in recent years is the concept of the “internal bra.”

The word “internal bra” is often misinterpreted as a less invasive alternative to breast augmentation surgeries, that will allow for the breasts to appear shapelier without the need for further surgery. In reality, internal bras are typically used in conjunction with these types of surgery as another way to help prop up the breast and help to reduce sagging as the breast tissue and skin lose their elasticity.

An internal bra can help produce a shapelier breast on its own, but in most cases is used in addition to other types of breast surgery.

One thing that internal bras typically can’t do is replace your need to wear an actual external bra though. They cannot provide the overall support that a normal, clothing-based, bra will provide.

What is an Internal Bra?

An internal bra is a mesh-like supportive structure inserted within the breast during a surgical procedure to provide added support and longevity to breast augmentation or breast lift results. Think of it as a hidden support system that helps maintain the shape and firmness of the breasts over time.

It is designed to help support the underside of the breast and to help slow down the natural loss of elasticity in the skin and breast tissue which can cause sagging.

How Does the Internal Bra Work?

The internal bra works by utilizing a mesh-like material or sutures to create a supportive framework within the breast tissue. This framework helps distribute the weight of the breast evenly, reducing the strain on the natural breast tissue and skin. By providing additional support, the internal bra aims to enhance the longevity of the results achieved through breast augmentation or breast lift surgery.

The mesh product that Dr. Adams uses during this type of procedure is a biodegradable material that is designed to help the body produce its own new collagen overtime so that once the mesh appliance dissolves, the new collagen is left to help support the breast.

This is a great option as it allows for your body to naturally do the supporting as opposed to having a foreign object under your breast providing this additional level of support.

When is an Internal Bra Used?

Breast Augmentation

An internal bra is often used in conjunction with breast augmentation procedures. It provides additional support for breast implants, helping to maintain the desired shape and preventing sagging over time.

Breast Lift

For patients seeking a breast lift, the internal bra can be a valuable addition. It supports the reshaped breast tissue, ensuring a lifted and youthful appearance for a more extended period.

On Its Own

An internal bra procedure can be performed on its own, without the addition of a breast augmentation or traditional breast lift as well. The mesh product will be inserted below the natural breast, just as it would if you were using it in conjunction with an implant, and it will help to push up and shape your breast in a way that is more appealing to you.

As with any breast augmentation procedures, it’s important to talk to your board-certified plastic surgeon and discuss the different options available to you. They will know which procedure will give you the results you are looking for.

An internal bra procedure on its own may not provide the results you’re looking for all the time, and skin and tissue will continue to lose elasticity as you age, so typically, utilizing the internal bra method in addition to implants or a traditional breast lift, will yield the best results.

Do Internal Bras Work?

The effectiveness of internal bras in breast augmentation and lifts has been supported by positive outcomes in many cases. However, individual results may vary, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations.


  1. Longevity: The internal bra contributes to the longevity of breast augmentation and lift results by providing ongoing support.
  2. Natural Appearance: When performed by a skilled surgeon, the internal bra can contribute to a natural and aesthetically pleasing breast appearance.
  3. Reduced Sagging: By distributing the weight more evenly, the internal bra helps minimize sagging over time.


  1. Skill of the Surgeon: The success of an internal bra procedure relies heavily on the surgeon’s expertise. It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in this technique.
  2. Patient Factors: Individual factors, such as skin elasticity and lifestyle choices, can impact the long-term results of an internal bra procedure.

The Internal Bra Surgical Process

  1. Consultation

Before undergoing an internal bra procedure, patients typically have a consultation with their plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess the patient’s goals, evaluate their current breast anatomy, and discuss the suitability of the internal bra for their specific case.

  1. Anesthesia

Like many surgical procedures, internal bra surgery is performed under anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the operation.

  1. Incisions

Small incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, such as the natural breast crease or along the areola, to minimize visible scarring.

  1. Placement of Internal Bra

The surgeon then creates the internal bra by strategically placing sutures or a mesh-like material within the breast tissue. This supportive structure is tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy.

  1. Closing Incisions

Once the internal bra is in place, the incisions are carefully closed with sutures.

Should I Get Internal Bra Surgery?

The internal bra is a promising advancement in plastic surgery, offering additional support to enhance the outcomes of breast augmentation and lift procedures. While it has shown positive results in many cases, the success of the internal bra relies on factors such as the surgeon’s skill and individual patient characteristics.

If you are considering a breast augmentation or lift with an internal bra, it is crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can assess your unique needs and provide personalized recommendations. With proper care and attention, the internal bra can be a valuable tool in achieving natural-looking and long-lasting breast enhancement results.