Our Skin Care Options:
- Glytone Chemical Peels
- ThermiSmooth
- Micro-Needling
How we care for our skin has changed dramatically since grandmother’s day of using soap and water and glycerin cream for moisturizers. We have learned how to improve the quality of our skin’s life and keep it looking fresh and vital. The most important things we can do are to keep our skin clean, moist and out of the sun. Sun is the most aggressive aging agent we can encounter.
Skin Care – designed to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful
Our office and Somatique medical spa has different programs to assist in rejuvenating and keeping your skin looking good. The hottest new skin care line out of Geneva, Switzerland uses resilient hyaluronic acid to provide specialized hydration to the skin. This video details the benefits of Teoxane.
Another skin care program we offers alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) to provide benefits for the health and overall appearance of the skin. These AHAs are commonly called “fruit acids” because they occur naturally in fruits, vegetables and sugar cane. These products can produce smoother hands, feet, softer lips and glowing, more radiant skin all over the face and body.