With the advancements in plastic surgery techniques and non-surgical procedures over the years, many of the methods that were used in the past are no longer the best option. One of the enhancements that used to benefit most from an implant can now be improved using new non-surgical techniques.
Traditional plastic surgery will never go away entirely, but we’re seeing more and more people opting for non-surgical procedures as we learn more about how they can help patients with cosmetic issues.
One of the surgical procedures of the past that is losing popularity, due to its less invasive methods, is cheek implants.
Cheek implants used to be the go-to method that surgeons preferred when helping to improve cheek structure and remove elements of aging from those areas of the face. But as we learn more about how those implants age, what can go wrong, and figure out better ways to achieve similar results, the days of the cheek implant may be over.
What is a Cheek Implant?
When it comes to plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures, facial enhancements are some of the most popular. Your face is one of the first things that you notice about yourself when looking in a mirror, and it’s the first thing that most people looking at you see. So it’s only natural to want to make your facial appearance look the best it can.
Cheek implants can be used to make your cheek bones more prominent as well as make your cheeks look fuller. They are also a great way to help pull the skin in your mid-face up a bit, helping to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging around the lower jawline and face.
Cheek implants work by implanting a piece of silicone in the cheeks to produce the look that the patient desires. The implant should not leave any scarring as the incisions are usually made inside the mouth or in the lower eyelid.
In the hands of a skilled, experienced surgeon, cheek implants should have no complications and no issues moving forward. They can even be removed and replaced with relative ease as you continue to age and your face changes.
Non-Surgical Cheek Enhancements
As innovation in the world of plastic surgery continues to advance, we’re finding more and more ways to enhance body features without the need for actual surgery. These non-surgical procedures allow for a cheaper, easier option for those that would rather not have more traditional surgery.
Non-surgical procedures are non-invasive and usually require little to no downtime. This is a huge benefit as it doesn’t require time off of work, or time confining yourself to your home while you heal.
And in some cases the results can be seen almost immediately.
Non-surgical cheek augmentations have become very popular in recent years as some doctors move further away from traditional cheek implants. By using injectables, topical creams, and other techniques, surgeons are able to bring life back to those tired cheeks.
Skin tightening, wrinkle reducing, and full cheeks are just some of the things you can expect from non-surgical cheek augmentation, in a fraction of the time that traditional cheek augmentation surgery would take. Not to mention, little to no downtime.
Non-surgical cheek enhancements are a great option if you’re looking for something relatively painless, more affordable, and less invasive than traditional cheek implants.
While there are several options for non-surgical cheek enhancements, injectable fillers are currently the favorite of most surgeons. They do not take much time, are relatively painless, and the patient can return to their normal life without any downtime.
In addition to that, the results from injectables rival those of traditional implants, however less permanent.
Why Choose Non-Surgical Over Cheek Implants?
With both surgical and non-surgical cheek enhancement options available, are there benefits to choose one over the other?
In short, yes. Each type of procedure has its own pros and cons, so it will be up to you to make the ultimate decision, but let’s take a look at both and compare them.
Non-surgical cheek augmentation, or enhancements, are great because they are non-invasive, they require no cutting or incisions. They are also relatively painless and require almost no downtime.
This means that you can have the procedure done during your lunch hour and go right back to work afterwards with no need to go home and rest or take pain medication. This is the main benefit of going with a non-surgical procedure over a traditional cheek implant.
There are some downsides to non-surgical procedures though. In most cases, non-surgical procedures, cheek or otherwise, are not permanent. They will require subsequent doctor visits throughout the year. Some non-surgical results last longer than others, but most will see you returning to the doctor 1-3 times a year, depending on the procedure.
The more traditional method of using cheek implants are usually permanent unless complications arise, which, when done by an experienced/skilled surgeon, usually don’t happen. But with any surgery, there is always a chance.
Cheek implants also require incisions in the face to add the implant, however these incisions are usually made in the inside of the mouth or the lower eyelid to hide any visible scarring.
The other downside is, since it is a traditional surgery, there will be more of a recovery period than if you were to go the non-surgical route.
In most cases with non-surgical, you could be back to your normal routine right after the procedure. However, traditional surgery will require you to rest for about a week before you can return to regular activities.
There are positives and negatives to both methods when it comes to cheek augmentation, so it’s important to know what your needs are and what you expect to get out of the surgery.
If you’re looking for a more permanent solution and aren’t concerned about the recovery period, then traditional cheek augmentation might be better for you. If you’re looking for something less invasive, more cost efficient, and something that is less invasive, then non-surgical treatments may be a better option for you.