Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

covid vaccine breast implants

Are There Any Side Effects from the COVID Vaccine in Relation To Breast Implants?

COVID-19 vaccines are being administered all over the country as the push to get vaccines into arms ramps up. While eligibility isn’t open to everyone quite yet, in just a few short weeks any adult in the country should be able to sign-up to get their shot.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that appointments will be easy to come by, but at least everyone will now be able to get in line.

There are three major companies putting out vaccines right now in the United States: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

All three of these vaccines have the ability to lower your risk of hospitalization and major illness due to the COVID-19 virus, so you should seek out and accept whichever one you can get first. Don’t wait for a specific company’s version if you have one available to you, just go with what you can get in order to get protected.

Yes, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have a slightly higher overall protection percentage than Johnson & Johnson, but they will all keep you from being hospitalized and/or dying. Johnson & Johnson, on the other hand, only requires one shot to be effective, where as the others require two to be completely vaccinated.

The main goal is to take whatever vaccination you can get an appointment for to help the country reach heard immunity status so things can start getting back to normal.

What Are the Side Effects of the COVID Vaccines?

As with any vaccine, there are going to be side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. However, keep in mind that these vaccines do not actually inject you with COVID-19, so the side effects you experience are due to your immune system reacting to the vaccine and producing antibodies.

This is exactly what the vaccine is supposed to do. If you experience these symptoms after your shot, you more than likely do not have COVID (unless you were exposed around the same time you got your shot), it’s just your bodies natural reaction to the vaccine.

The most common symptom that people experience from all of the vaccines is a sore arm at the injection site.

Other internalized symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, chills, joint pain, nausea, or a general feeling of being unwell are also common and will usually subside within 24-48 hours.

There is the possibility of more severe side effects, but those are mostly linked to allergic reactions and you will notice these within 4 hours of receiving the vaccine.

If I Have Breast Implants Should I Be Worried About the Vaccine?


This vaccine is really no different than any other vaccine out there in the way that it works within our bodies. Yes, it uses mRNA to tell our cells to make a harmless piece of the COVID-19 spike protein in order for our bodies to generate the antibodies needed to fight off the virus in the future, and mRNA vaccines are new, but they have been studied for years and use the same underlying principles that other vaccines use.

And yes, this vaccine was moved through the approval process quicker than other vaccines of this nature, but that’s only because of the urgency of the situation. There’s a lot of red tape that a traditional vaccine has to go through in order to be approved for human use, but because of the pandemic we are facing, that red tape has been reduced and the vaccine was able to make it into arms faster.

Receiving the vaccine will have no adverse effects on your breast implants and should not cause any difficulties with them at all. And for those that say “well, the long-term effects haven’t been studied enough”, do you have issues with your breast implants after the flu vaccine every year? No. So this will be no different.

We highly recommend anyone that has the opportunity to receive the vaccine, do so. It will protect you from becoming dangerously sick, hospitalized, or dying, and will also help protect those around you that haven’t yet received the vaccine, or can’t, due to health issues.

The benefits of this vaccine far outweigh the risks of getting COVID itself, so please don’t worry about side effects related to your breast implants if you have the opportunity to receive your vaccine.

breast implants stretch marks

Breast Implants and Stretch Marks – What You Need To Know

Breast augmentation can be a life changing experience. It can help you get the body you’ve always wanted, while also helping to boost your self esteem and make you feel better about yourself.

And while the reasons for wanting breast implants or a breast augmentation can vary from person to person, there are always things to consider before going under the knife.

Because breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, there are some inherent risks that go along with it. The recovery process can be uncomfortable, your overall results may vary from what you were expecting, and there is always the possibility of unwanted side-effects.

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures done in the world, and because of that there has been lots of research done on the topic, and new procedural elements implemented over the years to help minimize the risks and complications from the surgery.

In the hands of a skilled, experienced, surgeon, a breast augmentation procedure is extremely safe, but there are still questions we get asked all the time.

For example, in certain situations people are worried about stretch marks when it comes to breast augmentations. And, those questions are posed in varying ways.

Some people are concerned that having breast implants will cause them to develop stretch marks, while others are wondering if having a breast augmentation can eliminate them.

Will Breast Implants Cause Stretch Marks?

It’s natural to assume that if you add something under the skin of your body, something that is larger than what was there before, that you would develop stretch marks on the skin.

The truth is, it depends on how elastic your skin is and how large of a breast implant you get.

Naturally, the larger size implant you get, the greater your chances of developing stretch marks are. But in most cases, with normal sized implants, it’s very rare to develop stretch marks.

The skin of the breast is general more elastic than skin on other parts of your body. Because of this elasticity, it can stretch naturally on it’s own without causing stretch marks.

Stretch marks are caused when the deep layers of skin tear and scar over. This is usually caused when the skin is “stretched” too far, faster than it can handle. You’ll often see this in the abdomen area during pregnancy due to the sudden weight gain that your body isn’t used to. But along with weight gain, stretch marks can occur based on genetics.

If you naturally have thinner, weaker skin, then you could be more pre-disposed to developing stretch marks with breast implants.

There are a couple ways to help reduce the risk of stretch marks after breast implants. The first way is to ensure that you’re not going too large.

Extremely large breast implants, that are clearly not made for your body, can produce overstretching of the skin the breast area, thus causing stretch marks to appear.

The other way is to find a surgeon who does their implants underneath the muscle tissue in the chest. Otherwise known as a submuscular implant. By placing the implant underneath the muscle there will be less pressure applied to the skin itself. This will help reduce the possibility of stretch marks forming on the skin.

Stretch marks after a breast augmentation surgery are not a common occurrence by any means, but as we stated above, there are some factors that can put you more at risk. It’s important to talk with your doctor if stretch marks are a major concern of yours.

Can Breast Augmentation Remove Stretch Marks?

In addition to questions about whether or not breast augmentation can cause stretch marks, we also get asked if they can help eliminate stretch marks that may come from sagging breasts.

Unfortunately, stretch marks are usually permanent, but there are ways to lessen the visibility of them. There are cosmetic creams and procedures that can help fade them out so they aren’t as noticeable, but as far as using breast augmentation to completely eliminate them, that’s rarely going to be possible.

What is possible though, is that during a breast augmentation procedure, your sagging breasts will be corrected, and resized in a way that will help hide the stretch marks that may have come from having children or with age. In addition to this, a breast lift can be performed to also help minimize the noticeability of those stretch marks.

So while a breast augmentation isn’t going to fix your stretch marks completely, it can help hide them and make them far less noticeable.

If you have more questions about breast augmentation and stretch marks, please contact us today! At the Dr Adams Plastic Surgery Center in Dallas, Texas, our goal is to make sure we’re open and honest about what you can expect from your breast augmentation surgery.

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have regarding these procedures to ensure that you know all the benefits and risks, as well as what to expect from the completed surgery.

clothes after breast augmentation

What Should You Wear After a Breast Augmentation?

After undergoing any type of surgery to your body, it’s important that you find the correct clothes that will allow you to heal as well as keep you comfortable. You want to give your body the ability to relax, but also want to support areas that may need support in order to reduce any pain you may feel while recovering.

As with any plastic surgery, breast augmentation is an invasive surgery that requires making incisions in the body, both on the surface level and under the skin, which can lead to discomfort during the recovery process.

Thankfully, Dr. Adams has perfected his Fast-Track 24-Hour Recovery Breast Augmentation method that allows a patient to return to normal everyday life (outside of exercise and strenuous activity) within 24 hours.

The procedure uses unique surgical techniques to minimize the trauma associated with breast augmentation surgery. By understanding where on the body to make incisions to keep internal tissue damage to a minimum, Dr. Adams is able to cut the traditional recovery time down to just 24 hours instead of weeks.

This allows for the patient to get back to work and going out with family and friends sooner, rather than having to stay home in bed while recovering.

But regardless of whether you choose Dr. Adams for your breast augmentation surgery, you’ll want to be comfortable when going through recovery, which is why it’s important to wear the right clothes after your surgery.

What Type of Clothes to Wear After Breast Augmentation?


One of the most important pieces of clothing after undergoing breast augmentation surgery is going to be a comfortable bra.

Depending on your doctor you may be told to go bra-less for a few days post-surgery or to wear specific post-surgical bras to help reduce swelling and to prevent the implants from shifting while they are healing.

Definitely take the advice that your doctor gives to you, they know what they are talking about. And in most cases doctors will recommend not wearing a traditional underwire bra until about six weeks after surgery.

We put together a list of great bras to use when recovering from breast augmentation if you’re looking for more guidance. 


As we mentioned above, the proper bra is going to be the most important part of your outfit in the days after your breast augmentation surgery, but that doesn’t mean that you should just wear normal clothes over that.

In most cases you’re going to want to wear clothes that are easy to take on and off. Loose fitting t-shirts or blouses and zip-up hoodies tend to work best.

Due to the nature of how breast implants are inserted into the body, there will be some incisions made in the body tissue/muscle underneath the skin. This can lead to sore/achiness in your chest. The proper support from a bra can help, but you’ll want to do everything you can to reduce your arm movement.

Moving your arms away from your body can cause strain on the pectoralis muscle, which will be very sore from the surgery. By wearing loose fitting tops, or zip-up clothing, you’ll be able to easily put on and remove your shirts and minimize any pain you may experience.


The idea with pants after breast augmentation surgery is ease of removal and comfort. Your breast augmentation surgery will have no impact on your lower body, but the movement associated with removing your pants can exacerbate the soreness in your upper body.

Ensuring that your pants are easy to remove is key in minimizing the pain you may experience in your chest when making those movements.

Plus, if you’re going to be laying around for a few days, who wouldn’t want to be as comfortable as possible.

How Long Do I Have to Wear These Clothes After Surgery?

With a traditional breast implants you’ll want to wear these comfortable clothes for at least the first week. After the first week you can transition to more normal outer clothes if you’re feeling up to it, but you’ll want to continue to wear a softer sports bra, as you continue to heal.

If you’re still experiencing pain while wearing normal clothes, then continue to dress comfortably until the pain subsides.

After three weeks you should be able to wear normal clothes and transition to a normal, soft, bra. Remember, still no underwire or push-up bras until after the six week mark.

After the six week mark you should be able to wear whatever you want without significant pain. If you’re still experiencing significant pain at this point, we would recommend reaching out to your doctor.

Dr. Adams Fast- Track 24-Hour Recovery Breast Augmentation

If the recovery process from a traditional breast augmentation surgery is concerning to you, or is one of the reasons why you may not be considering the procedure, contact us!

Dr. Adams has perfected his Fast-Track 24-Hour breast augmentation recovery and will be able to help you reduce the downtime typically associated with breast augmentation surgery.

Contact us today to setup an in-office or virtual consultation to discuss the process and how it may benefit you.

24 hour breast augmentation recovery

How You Can Recover From Breast Augmentation Surgery in 24 Hours

With the summer months fast approaching, everyone is looking to get their bodies ready for the beach.  Although most of the country is still under lock down orders to some extent, that doesn’t mean you can’t take this time to work on yourself.

Working out, exercising, and eating right are great ways to burn calories and help you feel great in that new swimsuit you bought, but exercise and diet can only go so far.

While great at reducing fat and helping to tone your body, those lifestyle changes may not help you fill out that bathing suit the way you want.

Plastic surgery, breast augmentation in particular, is a great way to look and feel your best when you are finally able to get out of the house and enjoy yourself at the beach, near the pool, or just sunbathing in the backyard.

The only problem is, not everyone has the time to lay around in bed for about a week and recover from a traditional breast augmentation surgery.

And that’s why Dr. Adams has developed his revolutionary technique that allows breast augmentation patients to be up and moving again within 24 hours post-surgery.

Recovery Time for Traditional Breast Augmentation

When it comes to traditional breast augmentation surgery the recovery times can vary depending on how you and your body react to the surgery.

In most typical situations, after traditional surgery, you’re going to be in pain for a 1-2 weeks – sometimes longer.   Enough pain that the doctor will usually prescribe narcotic pain killers and advise you that you stay in bed, or at home, and relax until the pain has subsided to the point where you’re comfortable moving around.

Depending on how well you handle the surgery, this part of the process can last anywhere from a few days, to a week for your body to heal to the point where you are able to continue normal, basic, daily functions.

Dr. Adams’ Fast Track 24 Hour Breast Augmentation Recovery

Dr. Adams has refined a revolutionary way to perform breast augmentation surgery that will allow his patients to be able to return to normal daily routines in as little as a few hours after their surgery.

How Does it Work?

Dr. Adams has been invited around the world to educate surgeons and speak about fast track 24 breast on mentation recovery. There is no magic bullet but using the process of breast augmentation Dr. Adams is able to significantly reduce the amount of time it would take for the initial recovery from breast augmentation surgery.

In over 99% of cases, Dr. Adams’ patients have been able to return to normally daily activity within 24 hours of their surgeries. Some patients have even been able to get out of the house comfortably just a few hours after their procedure.

The beauty of the fast track 24-hour breast augmentation recovery is that you can get back to your normal routine almost instantly without being relegated to your bed or relying on powerful pain killers to feel comfortable for a week.

You’ll be back to the grocery store the very same day with very little pain that is completely manageable by over-the-counter pain medication.

Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

While Dr. Adams’ fast track 24-hour breast augmentation recovery will allow patients to return to everyday life within 24 hours of their surgery, there are still some limitations when it comes to exercise.

The purpose of the 24-hour recovery is to help patients return to a normal life as soon as possible, with as little pain as possible. This means going to work, going out with friends, enjoying family time, and more. However, since this is a surgical procedure, it is important that the body fully heals before attempting any more strenuous activities.

Patients are able to get back to aerobic activity 2 weeks after their procedure.   It is very important not to rush back into hard hitting exercise because you want to make sure your body has fully healed, and the implants have fully set in their position so that you don’t cause the implants to move around and position improperly while the tissue is still healing.

Your doctor knows what’s best for you when it comes to the recovery process, so it’s important to listen and be mindful of their advice.

Do Other Doctors Perform Breast Augmentations This Way?

Dr. Adams has been working with, and teaching, other doctors across the world this revolutionary breast augmentation technique, so it is possible that you’ll find another surgeon out there taking the time to make your recovery as smooth and painless as possible, but Dr. Adams is a pioneer in breast education in this field.

If you wish to setup a consultation with Dr. Adams to see how his fast track 24-hour breast augmentation recovery process works, please feel free to contact us or call at 214-965-9885.

We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the process.

Don’t live near Dallas, TX? That’s no problem. We offer virtual consultations to discuss your options and can help you decide if traveling to Dallas is the best option for you.

reasons not to get breast implants

5 Important Things to Consider before Having Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation is an amazing procedure that has helped transform the lives of millions of women. It can restore self-confidence, help improve social opportunities, and ultimately make you feel young again.

However, there are a few reasons why you shouldn’t undergo the procedure. Poor health, advanced age, and drug/alcohol abuse are just a few of the many things that can prevent your surgery from being a success—and in some cases can cause life-threatening complications.

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, we want to share with you a few important reasons why you shouldn’t get the surgery—or at the very least, seek the advice of a respected Board-Certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Adams.

Pre-Existing Medical Problems Making Surgical Risk Unacceptable

At some point in your life, your body will be too old to heal up properly from a breast augmentation procedure. Whether that reasoning comes from age itself or from a pre-existing medical condition that may put you at higher risk during an operation.

While many women in their late 40s and 50s have successfully undergone the procedure, it’s usually performed on a case-by-case basis, so it’s important to be open with your doctor about anything that may cause issues during surgery.

During your consultation, your surgeon will want to know not only your medical history but, in some cases, the history of your immediate family members. This will give them a good indication of whether or not your body is able to properly handle the stress of the procedure itself, as well as the healing process that comes afterwards.

In addition to scheduling a consultation with a Board-Certified plastic surgeon, it’s often advised that women over the age of 40 get a physical and clearance from their family doctor. While it’s not a requirement, it will give you peace of mind knowing that a doctor thinks your body can successfully heal itself after the procedure.

Poor Health

As with pre-existing medical conditions, if you’re not healthy, in general, your body will have a very difficult time healing up from a breast augmentation procedure. Women who are in poor health and have the procedure done anyways face an increased risk of complications.

Even women in their 20s who aren’t in good health should avoid getting any elective surgery performed. Being healthy is not determined by your age. While we do tend to associate some health problems with becoming older, younger people can be affected by an unhealthy lifestyle just as much as someone older.

What is “poor health” exactly? This is something that only your family doctor and surgeon can tell you. They’re the ones who know your medical history and whether or not your body can successfully heal itself after the surgery.

It’s always important to consult with your doctor, as well as the surgeon, to determine if you are healthy enough to undergo any type of surgery.


If you’re addicted to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or you use them regularly, it’s often advised that you stop completely before you undergo breast augmentation. They will drastically increase the amount of time your body needs to heal and can cause complications.

This sage advice especially holds true if you have had a history of addiction to pain killers of any sort. Even though you successfully conquered your addiction, it could come right back if you request certain pain medications from your doctor.

If you have a history of addiction, it’s best to inform your doctor as there are certain things he can do for you. For example, Dr. Adams has pioneered the “24-hour recovery” breast implant procedure that only requires the patient to take over-the-counter Motrin to deal with any pain.

Haven’t Done Your Research

One of the biggest reasons why women who undergo a 2nd breast augmentation procedure is due to them not performing their research before the surgery. There are a lot of things to take into consideration, such as what cup size you’re looking for and having realistic expectations.

While a specific style of breasts may look great on a Hollywood celebrity, they may not look as good on you. This is often due to the body of the star being much different than yours. The best way to perform your research is to speak with a plastic surgeon.

You Only Consulted “Dr. Google”

While the internet has a ton of helpful information, when it comes to taking medical advice, you should only listen to a Board-Certified plastic surgeon. They are the utmost authority and your best friend when it comes to telling you the honest truth. Many of the so-called medical websites or Facebook groups are full of well-meaning, but uninformed people. Take what you read online with a grain of salt.

One of the best ways to perform online research is to keep a written log of questions that you have. If you find something online, be sure to ask your plastic surgeon for their opinion during your initial consultation. Don’t automatically believe whatever your friend on Facebook is telling you—no matter how “common sense” it may seem.

The internet is a great way to get initial information and come up with a list of questions to ask your surgeon.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Due to the complicated nature of breast implant surgery, it’s best to seek advice from a trusted Board-Certified surgeon. Dr. Adams is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has undergone extensive training and education. He’s one of the foremost experts on breast augmentation in America and was instrumental in developing the 24-hour recovery procedure.

If you’re ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Adams, give us a call at (214) 965-9885 or contact us via our website. We’re currently accepting new patients—no matter where in the country you live. We’re located just 30-minutes from Dallas/Fort Worth airport in Dallas, Texas.