After Surgery – Breast Augmentation Basic Post-Op Expectations
Immediately after surgery:
Upon being released from the surgery center, you are asked to go home and take a short nap as anesthesia continues to wear off. After 2 hours, you will eat a light snack before taking a 20 minute shower to loosen the muscles. The incisions will be covered with minimal steri-strips and a small gauze dressing. Initially, your breasts will feel firm and tight, sitting higher on your chest wall. It can take 2-3 weeks for your breasts to begin to soften and appear more natural. It is normal to sense that the breast implants are not part of your body, however, you will adapt quickly.
Daily Activities:
- For quality recovery, it is preferable to resume low-level physical activities starting hours after surgery. This includes raising your arms above your head through a series of arm exercises that we will demonstrate for you before you leave the surgery center. We encourage you to mobilize immediately to promote healing and avoid becoming stiff. Most of our patients are shocked by how easy it is to wash their hair and get dressed right away.
- We recommend that you go to dinner, get some fresh air, leave the house, the same afternoon / evening of your surgery.
- That being said, most likely you will feel better than you expected, so please remember that you just had a surgical procedure; overdoing it within the first 3 days, may cause you to become more sore and fatigued.
- Avoid any activity that causes unnecessary pain or discomfort.
- Work may be resumed within 1- 3 days (depending on the physical demands of your job).
- Driving is permitted the next day, as long as drowsiness has subsided and you don’t feel restricted.
- It is not required to wear a bra or specific clothing. However, some patients find it more comfortable having the light compression of a soft bralette or sports bra.
- Do not wear a push up or underwire bra for 6 weeks.
- Begin walking at a subtle pace- 5 minutes- 3 times a day the first three days after surgery.
- No direct lifting over 10 pounds for 2 weeks to avoid muscle straining. You may hold smaller pets and your children under 3 yrs of age. If you must pick your child up, bend at the knees and have them latch on to you for assistance.
- Aim to keep your heart rate under 100 bpm for the first 2 weeks to prevent rapid blood flow.
- You may resume aerobic activity (higher impact aerobic classes, cycling, running, treadmill) after 2 weeks. Initially, you may notice yourself becoming worn out quickly; ramp up slow, if needed. Go easy on yourself!
Wound Care:
- Steri-strips will be removed in the office 7-10 days after surgery.
- For optimal scar healing, you will begin a daily scar therapy regimen 10-15 days after surgery. In addition to diligent regimen participation, you should avoid direct sunlight to the incisions as much as possible for the first 1-2 years. Use a natural sunscreen, preferably with zinc-oxide, SPF-20 or greater.
Follow up appointment:
- Your first post-operative visit will be within 1-3 days.
Questions about specific Post-Op Instructions or the Rapid Recovery period? Feel free to contact our office in Dallas, Texas. (214) 965-9885