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What’s Your Micromort? A Patient-Oriented Analysis of BIA-ALCL

Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) continues to be a rare and elusive malignancy. Because BIA-ALCL does not behave like traditional lymphomas, additional research needs to be conducted to further delineate the lymphoproliferative nature of BIA-ALCL. An estimated 35 million women worldwide have breast implants and the total reported deaths from BIA-ALCL is 12 to date. The term micromort was introduced in 1979 by Ronald Howard as a person’s risk of dying as 1 in a million. Drinking 0.5 L of wine or walking 17 miles all increase your risk of death by 1 micromort. Risk of death from BIA-ALCL is 0.4 micromorts for a woman having bilateral breast implants. This information is important for counseling new patients and those presenting with delayed onset seromas.

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