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Vampire Breast Lift – What is It? And Are They Too Good to Be True?

Beware of Vampire Breast Lifts! They Are Too Good To Be True

A non-invasive breast lift that takes just 15 minutes with little-to-no recovery time sounds like it could the future of breast enhancement – but is it too good to be true? Dr. Adams, an international authority on breast augmentation, notes that there is no science or data behind vampire breast lifts. So should the widespread vampire trend stay in pop culture and out of cosmetic procedures? Let’s take a look.

Watch Dr. Adams pick a part vampire breast lifts in the No Spin News video below.

What is a Vampire Breast Lift

Vampire breast lifts get their name from the iconic blood-sucking characters from folk tales to hit T.V. shows because, like their namesakes, the treatments involve sucking out a patient’s blood.

During a vampire breast lift, a doctor will draw your blood and extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP) through a process known as centrifugation or spinning. This process allows the doctor to separate the blood plasma from the other blood cells.

A vampire breast lift only requires the use of the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, and not the rest of the blood cells.

These platelets contain a high concentration of proteins, known as growth factors, which can theoretically help heal injuries quicker and rejuvenate the breast tissue to appear plumper and fuller.

Once the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is separated from the blood, it is combined with dermal fillers and re-injected into the breasts with the intention of stimulating collagen production and blood flow. Allegedly, this leads to fuller, firmer breasts in just a few weeks.

Does a Vampire Breast Lift Work?

Vampire breast lifts claim to improve the overall appearance of the breasts by smoothing wrinkles, fixing inverted nipples, reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scar tissue, and lifting sagging skin. The treatment does not increase cup size.

Like other injectable cosmetic treatments, these types of procedures are temporary, and benefits are primarily superficial (smoothing wrinkles, for example). Vampire breast lifts are non-invasive injections; there is no part of the treatment that involves physically lifting or manipulating the breast tissue, although they may be able to give the appearance of more fullness or smoother skin and cleavage. They cannot, however, lift the breast.

Many plastic surgeons are skeptical at some of the claims made regarding vampire breast lifts. There is little to no scientific data to back up any of these claims made about helping to lift the breasts or make them appear fuller. At least nothing that directly correlates to the injection of PRP.

If you inject any sort of filler or liquid (like saline) into a woman’s breasts, you are going to notice them appearing fuller or slightly larger, however this is just because you are injecting more of a substance into the area, so of course when you add something under the skin it’s going to seem like an enhancement.

PRP treatments are typically used in orthopedic settings to help the healing process in ligaments, damaged joints, tendons, and muscles. PRP treatments in orthopedics has been studied and has been shown to help the healing process for these damaged areas, but with regards to breast lifts, there is no data suggesting that PRP treatments on their own can essentially mimic the effects of a surgical breast lift.

How Long Do the Results Last?

As we said, we don’t believe that there is enough science behind the vampire breast lift procedure to encourage our patients to seek it out, but some doctors claim that the effects can last for months, however we are skeptical of that.

Since it’s just an organic injectable you may notice some fullness and smoother skin in the first few days, but as your body begins to reabsorb those platelets, any effects you experienced will being to wane and you’re body will go back to normal.

The idea behind PRP therapy for breast lifts is that the platelets help to stimulate collagen production and blood flow to the area, which is supposed to help make the breasts appear fuller, however just using injectables is not going to give you anywhere near the effects that a surgical breast lift would give you.

Is a Vampire Breast Lift Safe? Are There Side Effects?

If you choose to try a vampire breast lift, it is very safe. This is a non-surgical procedure that draws your own blood, extracts the platelets from the blood, and reinjects it back into your body. There are no foreign materials or outside elements at play when undergoing PRP treatment.

As long as you’re not allergic to the material used in the syringes, then you should have no major allergic reactions or debilitating side effects.

The only side effects that you may experience are related to injections in general. You may notice some bruising or soreness near the injection sites as the need has to puncture the skin in order to inject the platelets. But since the organic material being injected into your body was produced by your own body, there should be no other side effects.

How Much Does a Vampire Breast Lift Cost?

While we do not perform vampire breast lift procedures in our office here at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery, you can expect to pay between $1500 and $2000 depending on the office you visit and the location.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

A fifteen-minute breast lift with no recovery time might seem like the best breast augmentation procedure on the market, but be sure to read the fine print. Data is scarce on this relatively new-to-market treatment, and reviews or before-and-after testimonials are rare.

Dr. Adams notes that vampire lifts are – at best – soft tissue fillers. Fillers can’t possibly lift breasts or make them larger. Therefore, they don’t work as a breast lift.

Critics of PRP therapy have argued that adding rich plasma does not equate to more healing power. The human body requires a precise balance of cells and nutrients for optimal function; adding too much platelet-rich plasma could disrupt that balance in useless or even harmful ways. Some skeptical of vampire breast lifts have also raised concerns about introducing additional growth factors into an area of the body that is already prone to developing cancer.

If you really want to get your perky breasts back, traditional breast lifts are the best option. Take a look at our before and after breast lift photos to see just how effective breast lifts are when performed by a renown plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. Interested in learning more about breast lifts? Contact us today! Dr. Adams can put you on a proven path to perky and more youthful breasts.


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