Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery spending

Are People Spending More Money on Plastic Surgery Today?

There’s no doubt that aesthetic plastic surgery procedures have increased recently, but to what extent is kind of mind blowing. With the introduction of non-surgical procedures that can present pretty remarkable results, some people thought that actual surgical procedures might start to slow down a bit, but the numbers reported by The Aesthetics Society for 2021 have shown that not to be the case.

Aesthetic plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures spending combined in 2020 for a total of over $9 billion, while for the first 6-months of 2021 we saw spending of upwards of $8.7 billion on aesthetic plastic surgery alone.

That’s $8.7 billion dollars spent on plastic surgery, not including non-surgical procedures, which continue to see a huge boom in popularity due to their non-invasive, less expensive nature.

Overall, there has been consistent growth in plastic surgery procedures for about the last 10 years, so we expected to see numbers rise as we continue to move forward, however with COVID and the economic impacts of the pandemic, I don’t know that anyone expected the numbers to be quite this good.

Why Are People Spending More on Plastic Surgery?

While the COVID pandemic did force a lot of doctors and surgeons to put their practices on hold, it also created new demand for both surgical and non-surgical procedures.

While a lot of people were left unemployed or struggling to get by during points in the pandemic, it also meant that people couldn’t spend money on the luxuries that they were before. Vacations, restaurants, and other events were put on hold due to the spreading of the virus, so people were left with a little more disposable income that they may have been saving up. Not to mention a few rounds of stimulus checks that people weren’t budgeting for at the beginning of the year.

This extra money saved and coming in meant that some people could now afford those plastic surgery procedures they had been thinking about getting. And once the doctors’ offices started to open back up, and cosmetic surgery was able to move forward again, it brought out a lot of people looking to improve their appearance.

But the money isn’t the only reason that more people have been opting for plastic surgery procedures this year.

Working From Home – More Time to Recovery

In addition to having a little extra income, most office workers were still working from home at the start of the year. This meant that they had more time to recover in the comfort of their own home and there was less need to take time off.

Work could still get done while laying in bed recovering from a breast augmentation, but most people would have taken a couple weeks off to heal had they been going into the office. Not to mention people could recover without having their nosey coworkers asking questions. Some people would love to have a cosmetic procedure done but are afraid of what coworkers and friends may think. So having the ability to recover at home with limited external contact is a great option for a lot of people.

Non-Surgical Procedure Boost

Non-surgical procedures saw a huge boost in 2020 and 2021 and a lot of that has to do with the pandemic, but not the way you may think.

We’ve discussed this before, but we couldn’t talk about the increase in dollars spent on plastic surgery without talking about the “zoom effect”.

Many people were forced to do most of their work through zoom, or video conferences, while being in lock down during 2020 and 2021. This caused people to have to stare at their own faces for longer periods of time than they normally would, which also meant they were able to see more imperfections.

HD cameras and high-def computer screens make it very easy to notice little things about your face that you may not like. And while your coworkers probably never noticed them, the fact that people had to stare at a screen that shows their face in the corner all the time, meant people were able to see those flaws more closely.

Non-surgical procedures are great at helping your face and skin look its best while on camera. They are inexpensive, effective, and usually don’t require any downtime to recover. Doctors saw a lot more patients coming in for quick non-surgical treatments this year than they have in the past and some of that has to do with the new work from home culture.

The Growth of Plastic Surgery

While the COVID pandemic and lockdowns did play a part in the boom of plastic surgery mid-2020 into 2021, it’s important to note that plastic surgery has been growing steadily for the last 10 years.

It used to have more of a negative connotation associated with it, but as techniques, procedures, and technology improve, a good plastic surgeon can make it less obvious that you’ve had work done. All of these things combined have led to incredible growth within this field and we’re excited to see where the future takes us.

If you have any questions regarding plastic surgery procedures or would like to setup a consultation, please contact us at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery in Dallas, Texas today!

post surgery depression

What is Post Surgery Depression?

As we move into 2022 we’re going to start seeing a lot of people working on themselves. At the stroke of midnight on December 31st, millions of people across the country have told themselves that they are going to start eating healthier, working out more, and generally living a better life, but the majority of those people will only make it a few weeks before reverting back to their old ways.

In some cases folks will decide that putting in the work is too hard, or the parts of their body they want to change may not improve through typical means. They may need some outside help.

Plastic surgery can be a great way to help get yourself back into the body you’ve always wanted, or the body you had when you were younger. It can help improve your self-esteem, it can help boost your confidence level, and overall, it can just make you feel better about yourself. And ultimately that’s what new year’s resolutions are supposed to do.

But there are some people whose lives don’t improve as well as they might have thought of, or have other circumstances that can lead them to fall into a depressed state after undergoing plastic surgery.

Post-surgery depression is actually more common than you might think, but there are ways to get through it and deal with it that will help you in the long run.

Depression After Surgery

First off, we want to state that depression after surgery is normal and relatively common in a lot of patients. Most of the time it will come and go and once you’re fully healed from your procedure and things are starting to look more normal, you’ll begin to feel better about yourself. But since not everyone deals with depression the same way, and the things causing the depression aren’t the same for everyone, it’s important that we talk about it.

Most depression after surgery stems from unmanaged expectations. Immediately after your surgery, and for subsequent weeks while you heal, you’re not going to feel your best or look your best. Depending on what procedure or procedures you’ve had done, recovery time can be uncomfortable and painful. There is going to be swelling, puffiness, and redness as your body recovers from the surgery.

During this period depression can kick in as patients maybe don’t think that they look as good as they thought, or that they didn’t realize how uncomfortable they might be during recovery. This is all normal. You’re going to have good and bad days post-op and the thing to remember is that your body will heal itself and you’ll begin to feel more and more like yourself as time goes on.

The other thing you need to remember is not to set your expectations too high and to listen to your doctor.

Some people go into plastic surgery expecting life changing results and drastic improvements, but that’s not always the case. If you have a good surgeon, they should be properly helping you manage expectations so that you’re not disappointed after the surgery is complete. A good surgeon will be able to help you dial in exactly what you should expect from the surgery based on your body type and what you’re looking to have done.

Some level of depression is going to be normal after having plastic surgery, but if you’re almost through the healing process and you’re starting to physically feel like yourself again, but your depression isn’t subsiding, then it may be time to speak with a professional.

In some cases people use plastic surgery as a way to help cope with their depression. Maybe they are depressed because of the way they look, which is leading to lowered self-esteem, or something along those lines. And they are looking to plastic surgery as the solution to that depression when that might not be the fix they need.

If you are still suffering from depression after fully healing and getting the ok from your surgeon, then the root cause of your depression may still be affecting you and it may be time to seek help from a therapist.

Managing Plastic Surgery Expectations to Limit Depression

As we mentioned, properly managing your expectations within your self and with the guidance of your doctor, are the best ways to help lower the risks of developing post-surgery depression. Understanding how long it will take to fully heal and for your body to settle into its new form and structure is important in the process.

Make sure to ask lots of questions and make sure you find a doctor that isn’t afraid to be straight with you and isn’t just telling you what you want to hear. A doctor that truly cares won’t worry about losing a patient by telling them the truth about what they can expect after having a surgical procedure.

At Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery, we truly care about our patients and want what’s best for them. If you have any questions regarding plastic surgery procedures or post-surgery depression, please contact us today.

snatched jawline

What is a Snatched Jawline and Why Was it Popular in 2021?

Have you ever heard the term snatched jawline? While you may not have heard that exact term used, it’s become very popular in the world of cosmetic surgery over the last couple years.

A snatched jawline basically means a very defined jawline. Being able to see the back of the jaw against your neck, having tighter skin along those areas, and presenting a bolder look of their lower face.

In the past the only way to obtain noticeable results when it comes to the jawline was to undergo a face lift or a neck lift to help pull and tighten the skin in those areas. Thankfully, due to the advances in technology over the years, we now have a variety of different non-surgical, or less invasive, methods that we can use in order to help give you the snatched, or chiseled jawline that you desire.

Snatched Jawline – Non-Surgical Methods

As cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery methods advance as the technology advances, we have a lot more tools in our case to help improve appearances without having to go under the knife.

When it comes to trying to create a more pronounced jawline on our patients, we have a number of methods we can use before we would have to resort to a surgical procedure.

In some cases surgical procedures may be the only way to safely achieve the goals of the patient.

Non-surgical or minimally invasive procedures can be a great way to help get the jawline you desire. We can use a variety of different methods to help build upon one another until we get the desired results of the patient.

Liposuction, injectable fillers, botox, and skin tightening techniques are some of the best tools we have to “snatch your jawline”. Some of these procedures will even allow you to be in and out of the office within an hour. That’s just how incredible this technology and these products have become.

However, the one thing that we always talk to our patients about is managing expectations. We’ve talked about this in the past, and it still holds true when it comes to defining your jawline. A traditional surgical procedure is still going to net you the best results with the longest lasting effects.

Non-surgical and non-invasive procedures may provide a benefit up-front, for a lower cost, and with less of an investment physically, but the effects of these non-surgical procedures don’t always last forever. So be sure to talk to your doctor about the results you’re looking for so they can help manage your expectations.

Why Has a Snatched Jawline Been So Popular Lately?

Over the last couple years, while we’ve all been hunkered down in our homes doing virtual learning and working from home, there has been an uptick in facial procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. This stems from the fact that most of us have been communicating with our co-workers, family, and friends via a screen using video chat.

When you use a video chat program like zoom or facetime, in most cases there is a small window in the corner that shows you yourself. This has led to us having to look at our own faces for longer periods of time than if we were to just glance in a mirror while getting ready in the morning. Because of this we notice imperfections in our skin, in our jawlines, in our eyes, and in our face in general. Combine that with the fact that the cameras on our computers and phones have become extremely clear and sharp, and we start to become more self-conscious about what we look like.

While it may seem odd, this has been the leading reason as to why more facial procedures were performed these last couple years when compared to previous years. People typically weren’t looking at themselves for hours on end in the past, so this increase in facial procedures makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Thankfully, as we stated above, the technology and products available to help tighten, soften, and clean up the skin have come a long way over the past few years so we can more easily and quickly fix any minor problem issues that you may notice.

If you’re looking for more information on cleaning up your jawline and making it more pronounced, contact us today at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX.

brazilian butt lift

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Celebrity culture has infiltrated all aspects of the media these days. It’s hard to turn on the tv or browse through social media without a big-name celebrity popping up on your screen trying to promote the next big thing or try to influence you to do something.

This has become a bit of a problem in the plastic surgery world as it puts unrealistic expectations in peoples minds when they want to improve upon their features. They see a certain celebrity with perfect skin or a “perfect” body and want a doctor to do the impossible and transform them into their idols.

That’s not to say that plastic surgery can’t boost your self-esteem or help you to look and feel better about yourself, but every body is different. What works, or looks good, for someone else may not necessarily work for you.

While breast implants and breast augmentation surgery continue to be the most popular form of plastic surgery today, other procedures are pushing ahead and starting to become just as popular as we are pushed down into this world of influencers and celebrities.

Things like face lifts, injectable fillers and other non-surgical procedures, tummy tucks, and butt lifts have all made their way into popular culture and are now at the forefront of the plastic surgery world.

Speaking of butt lifts, Brazilian butt lifts have become a big talking point in the plastic surgery world these days. Butt lifts have had a reputation of being a riskier procedure than things like breast implants only because butt lifts are a relatively new procedure overall. Plastic surgeons haven’t been performing them as often as other procedures, so they don’t have as much practice with them. But as butt lifts become more popular, the techniques used to perform these procedures have become more refined and safer.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift and How is it Performed?

We’ve talked about procedures related to the butt previously and we want to stress that a Brazilian Butt Lift is different than butt implants. We do not recommend butt implants unless absolutely necessary, but since there are no implants involved with the Brazilian butt lift, and the procedure has come a long way over the years, a board-certified surgeon should be able to perform this procedure safely for you.

A Brazilian butt lift involves two different parts, the first part requires liposuction to remove fat from another part of your body. This fat is then injected into the butt to help create a firmer, more shapely backside for the patient.

While the name of this procedure is technically a “lift”, it’s not a lift in the same way that a breast lift or a face lift is done. The way the Brazilian butt lift is performed is using a method called a fat graft, which is fat moved from one area of the body to another.

The nice thing about a Brazilian butt lift is that there are no implants, it uses your own fat to rebuild and shape your butt, and there are less risks of complications.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

After your surgery your doctor will have specific instructions for you to follow as you recover. Most doctors recommend that you refrain from sitting or laying on your buttocks for at least two weeks while your body heals. At this point your doctor will inform you if you can begin sitting with the help of an inflatable or some sort of cushion. You will need to continue to use these devise for about 8 weeks until your body has fully healed.

This means that you should be prepared to stand for the majority of the time as well as sleep on your stomach or your side until you get the ok from your doctor to resume normal sitting and sleeping habits.

In regards to lifting and every day activities, you should refrain from any heavy lifting for the duration of the recovery process as well, however light lifting after a week or so should be ok.

The entire recovery process can take up to 6 months, but it should not take that long to resume normal day-to-day activities.

How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

In most cases a Brazilian butt lift should last for many years, but there are situations where the fat graft doesn’t hold properly, and your surgeon may need to repeat the procedure to ensure the final results desired by the patient.

Keep in mind though, as the body naturally ages, you can begin to experience sagging and a return to pre-surgery look. Unfortunately, this procedure cannot stop the effects aging and you may need another procedure over time, but in general a Brazilian butt lift should many years and keep you feeling great about your body!

Brazilian butt lift procedures have advanced immensely over the years as they become more popular. New techniques and safety procedures have been put in place to make sure patients remain safe while experiencing the results they desire.

holiday surgery non-surgical treatments

Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatments to Help You Look Your Best for the Holidays

With COVID still hanging around the holidays may look a little different this year, again. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look and feel your best!

Regardless of whether you’ll be visiting family in person or through a Facetime or Zoom call, the holidays bring people together. Maybe you’ll be seeing people you haven’t seen in a while, maybe you’ll be seeing some people in person for the first time in almost two years, whatever the case may be, you’re going to want to look and feel your best.

We’ve all been cooped up inside for a while, and while COVID is still a presence in our lives, vaccines and other protocols across the country have started to allow people to venture back out into the world.

The stay-at-home orders were a great time to undergo plastic surgery procedures, as it gave you time to recover in the privacy of your own home without having to worry about outsiders seeing you in public. And while stay-at-home orders have lifted across the country, there’s still time to recover from surgical procedures before the holiday parties start.

Let’s take a look at some great surgical and non-surgical procedures that can help you look your best this holiday season.

Surgical Procedures for the Holidays

If you’re looking to have a surgical procedure done in time for the holidays, you might want to set up an appointment with a doctor soon. Recovery time on surgical procedures can take weeks depending on the surgery, so getting them done soon will allow you to heal in time for those upcoming family gatherings.

The other nice thing about the holidays is that you get time off from work and a lot of times your family does as well, so this could also be the perfect time to get a surgical procedure if you don’t plan on doing much traveling or visiting over the holidays.

Breast Augmentation

At Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery, we specialize in breast augmentation surgery. Whether you’re looking for breast implants or a breast lift, Dr. Adams is nationally recognized as one of the best plastic surgeons. He’s even developed his own method that allows for 24-hour fast track recovery from breast augmentation surgery.

Because of the way the surgery is performed, pain and recovery time are limited, and you can get back to light day-to-day activities quicker than with other methods. This would be perfect for the holiday season.

Tummy Tuck / Liposuction

A tummy tuck in conjunction with liposuction is a great way to get rid of pesky belly fat and excess skin. This is a great procedure to have done during the fall/winter months so that you can fully recover before beach season kicks off next year. It will also help you to look and feel your best at family gatherings over the holidays.

Tummy tucks do take some time to heal properly, so having these types of procedures done when you won’t have to be going into the office is a great option. You’ll be able to return to light activity after about 2 weeks, which means you can be sure you’ll feel great for the holidays.

Non-Surgical Procedures and Treatments

In addition to surgical procedures, there are a number of non-surgical procedures and treatments you can have done that require little to no recovery time. That’s the beauty of these non-surgical options, you’ll be in and out of our offices in a matter of hours and can return to your normal schedule as soon as you step out the door.

Keep in mind though, non-surgical options are not going to provide you the same results as traditional surgery, but if you’re looking for a great way to enhance your look for those virtual gatherings this fall, these are some great options.

Injectable Fillers

Injectable fillers, like Botox and dermal fillers are a great way to soften up wrinkles and age lines on your face.

A small needle is used to inject these fillers just under the skin in your face to help add subtle volume to the areas affected by age. The lines and wrinkles in these areas will then smooth over giving you a more youthful look.

Injectable fillers are a great way to rejuvenate your face without having to have traditional surgery. The procedure only takes a short amount of time and in most cases some results can be seen almost instantly.

You’ll be able to return to your normal lifestyle as soon as you leave our office. It’s quick, painless, and the results can last for months.

Skin Tightening

Our Aya Med Spa location offers skin tightening which uses ultrasounds to lift, tighten, and tone your sagging skin. It works by helping to stimulate collagen growth in your body which will help your skin appear smooth and rejuvenated.

As with injectable fillers, this procedure requires almost no downtime after the treatment and is virtually painless. Patients may appear flush immediately after the procedure, in the areas that were treated, but you can return to your normal lifestyle right away.

Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatments

Laser treatments have been making a big impact in the world of non-surgical procedures over the last few years, and for good reason. Lasers can be used to help resurface the skin to help treat wrinkles, surface irregularities, and uneven pigmentation.

If you’re looking to clear up the skin on your face for the holidays, this is a great option.

Overall if you’re looking to make some changes, whether surgical or non-surgical, now is the time to do it. Whether you’re wanting to look and feel great for the holidays, or you just want to look rejuvenated for your daily Zoom meetings, these treatments are a great way to gain back your self confidence and keep you feeling great.

If you have any questions about the surgical and non-surgical procedures that we offer at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery and the AYA Med Spa, don’t hesitate to contact us today!