​What To Look For in a Non-Surgical Doctor

A 19-year-old woman in Toronto Canada was recently accused of performing plastic surgery in her basement – despite not having a medical license. She was found out when one of her “patients” developed serious complications that required the services of a board-certified plastic surgeon to correct. It’s unfortunate, but there are thousands of non-medical, unlicensed […]

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​Facelift vs. Mini Facelift

Facelifts have been the go-to plastic surgery procedure for people who feel that they look older than they should. More recently, a procedure called a “mini facelift” has become very popular amongst those looking to lessen the signs of aging on their faces. A mini facelift is just as it sounds: less work is done […]

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​How Beauty Pageants Can Affect Self Esteem

Beauty pageants have been around for a long time. They take place in anywhere from small midwestern towns to major metropolitan cities. Their purpose is to find, and crown, the most beautiful girl in the competition. Women of all ages participate in these events which judge them on beauty, talent, and sometimes intelligence. The girls […]

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Injectable Fillers for Men

The de-facto standard for beauty for men has long been the Clint Eastwood-esque rugged look. Sun-weathered faces and wrinkled age lines combined to make most men look like extras in a 1960’s western movie. Not so much anymore. As more and more men reach age 30-40, they start to realize that proper diet and exercise […]

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Can a Breast Implant Stop a Bullet

Every so often a news story comes to light about how a woman was shot in the chest by a handgun and her life was saved by her breast implants. The stories all have a similar theme: woman gets shot, breast implants prevent bullet from hitting vital organs. You can chalk this story up to being “mostly […]

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