Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedure for Millennials

plastic surgery millennials

As plastic surgery becomes more commonplace and accepted within the ranks of society, there’s one group that has embraced it more than any other, millennials.

The number of millennials opting for plastic surgery recently continues to grow and outpace those of the generation 56 years and older, and it may surprise you as to what procedure millennials are requesting most often.

As we’ve discussed previously on our site, during the stay-at-home orders over the last couple years, because of COVID, more and more office workers have been forced to work from remote locations rather than go into an office. Because of these virtual interactions, workers have been forced to look at their own faces on their computer screen more often than normal.

Seeing your face in the mirror in the morning is one thing, but a lot of folks were forced to look at themselves for hours on end while attending these virtual meetings which has led to a shift in the age groups looking towards facial plastic surgery.

Rhinoplasty Is the Most Popular Plastic Surgery for People Under 34

Not breast augmentation and not liposuction, the most popular plastic surgery procedure for millennials under 34 is rhinoplasty (nose job).

Rhinoplasty is extremely common across all age groups, but the millennials have embraced it more than any other age group over the last few years.

There are a couple of reasons for this, one which we talked about above. With all of the ZOOM calls and video conferencing that people have had to do as the corporate landscape shifts towards remote work has forced people to look at themselves more often.

One of the other reasons that rhinoplasty is more popular amongst the 35 and under crowd is because the older age groups have begun to focus on more age-related forms of plastic surgery and non-surgical enhancements.

Rhinoplasty typically isn’t a procedure you have done to help with the anti-aging process. It’s not designed to get rid of wrinkles or to help your face appear more youthful, it’s designed to help reshape the nose and help with insecurities that the patient many feel about their nose. In some circumstances there are health conditions that can also be alleviated with a rhinoplasty procedure, but in general, this procedure is not used to help with anti-aging.

Anti-Aging Procedures

As patients get older their focus tends to change from correcting the features they were born with to trying to maintain the look they had when they were younger. The top procedures for women, overall, in 2021, were neurotoxins, fillers, and then rhinoplasty, while for men it was rhinoplasty, neurotoxins, and blepharoplasty. Hair transplants have also been gaining popularity over the last couple years amongst men.

Non-surgical procedures continue to gain popularity over traditional plastic surgery in a lot of areas as the technology proves to have great results. There are even non-surgical fillers that can help change the appearance of your nose in similar ways to what a rhinoplasty can do.

The problem with using fillers as a substitute for a rhinoplasty is that fillers are not permanent and can’t do all of the necessary reshaping that may be needed with some patients. Fillers will be absorbed by the body over time and will require follow-up/touch-up appointments to maintain the desired look.

A rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure that will help reshape and rebuild your nose to help create the look you want. They can be used in everything from shaving down bumps in the nose to changing the shape of the tip of the nose. These are things that fillers cannot accurately do without some sort of surgical intervention.

Plastic Surgery

Age is just a number when it comes to plastic surgery. Yes, there are some procedures that become riskier as you get older, but the overall goal of plastic surgery is to help you look and feel your best. Whether that means looking younger or just enhancing some of your lesser liked features, plastic surgery doesn’t care what age you are.

Just because millennials are having more nose jobs these days doesn’t mean that the over 40 group isn’t, it just means that the popularity of certain procedures is appealing to a younger generation. If you’re thinking about having plastic surgery and have questions, or would like to setup a consultation, contact us today at Dr. Adams Plastic Surgery. We’re here to help guide you in the process and ensure that you get the best care possible.

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